Toni's Kitchen Meats

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(20 February 2012) - Some time ago we were invited to Maria’s parents’ house for dinner. Lita (Maria’s mother) made delicious stuffed poblanos, and I love them; so I ask her to teach me how to make them and she agreed.
They came on Wednesday for dinner and she brought the peppers already roasted and prepared to be stuff. Lita gave me the list of ingredients to buy the day before, so we were ready...
The poblano pepper is one of the many chilies used specially in South America, and Asia. The Scoville Scale is used to measure they spiciness; bell peppers at 0 SHU (heat units), poblanos at 500-2000 SHU, jalapenos at 2500-9000 SHU and habaneros around 300000 SHU (obviously one of the hottest). Chiles can be fresh or dry (when dried they change their name but not the flavor). There are about 55 kinds of different peppers. The same exact pepper could be mild or very hot - pretty interesting, right?


• 6 Poblano peppers
• 4 Tbsp of olive oil
• 1 ½ Pounds of lean ground beef
• 1 ¼ Cups of chopped onion
• 4 Garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
• 1 Roma tomato (finely chopped)
• ½ Tsp of dried thyme
• 1 Tsp of dried oregano
• 1 Tbs of flour
• 1 Can of diced tomato (or tomato sauce- 14.5 oz.)
• 1 Cup of chicken broth
• 8 Oz. of Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
• Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 °F. In a roasting pan arrange the peppers and roast them for one hour. Turn off the oven and let them cool. Meanwhile prepare the filling. Sauté together, the tomato, garlic, ground beef, one cup of the chopped onion, and thyme, with salt and pepper. Let it cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until it is done.
Put 2 tbs of the oil in a frying pan and sauté ¼ cup of the onion over medium heat. When the onion becomes translucent, add the flour and stir until it is well combined. Add the can of tomatoes, the chicken broth, oregano salt and pepper, and let it cook for 15 minutes.
Once the poblanos are cold, take the skin off and make a cut on each pepper, about 4 inches long; take the seeds and the veins out. Using a tablespoon, stuff the peppers with the meat mixture, filling them completely. Arrange the stuffed poblanos in a baking dish, with the meat facing up. Pour the tomato sauce all around the peppers, and cover the meat with the shredded cheese. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes.

Serve with rice, salad and crusty bread. *Serves 6 people* - This is an incredible dish!


(20 January 2012) - It was Christmas time again, come… and already gone!
I made my stuffed meat: a tradition for Christmas Eve at this house. Days before the holydays we were deciding the menu and Paul, making a fist, said: Do we have to fight about it? Of course he was joking, and we didn’t fight. I know that this is the holidays’ favorite dish for my kids, especially for Paul.
In Spain, for Christmas, is all about lamb. Not here: my family doesn’t like it, only Mario and I do, and sometimes it is not so easy to find.
So that is what I made for dinner. I miss my turrón this year though… Sara made some Christmas cookies. Paul’s mother, who came for dinner, brought and an incredible appetizer made with artichokes and some really good cream puffs for dessert. Stuffed mushrooms and mash potatoes completed the meal, and -of course- bread and butter. A great meal for any celebration!


• Pork Loin (2 to 3 pounds)
• 3 Hardboiled Eggs
• ½ Pound Of Lean Prosciuto Ham
• 1 Small Jar Of Medium Manzanilla Olives
• 1 Small Jar Of Roasted Red Peppers
• 1 Medium Onion (chopped)
• 4 Big Garlic Cloves (peeled and chopped)
• ¼ Cup Of Olive Oil
• ½ A Cup Of White Vermouth (or chiken broth)
• Butcher’s Twine
• Salt and Pepper To Taste

Wash and pat the pork loin dry. Remove as much fat as possible (you may have the butcher do it for you). Cut it open like in the pictures, until you have a flat big surface. Put salt and pepper on one side only, and turn it around, so that the seasoning is facing down. If you make a hole in the meat while cutting it, cut a piece from the thickest part of the meat, and cover it (nobody will know).

Peel the hardboiled eggs and cut them in fourths. Arrange the stuffing in vertical columns: the ham (if the slices are to thin use two, one on top of each other), the pieces of egg, the olives (as many as needed to cover the meat), and the pieces of red pepper. Repeat this process as many times as needed to cover the entire surface area of the meat.
Roll the meat carefully trying to keep everything in place. Tie the roll with the butcher’s twine. While you are doing this, if something comes out, push it back inside with your fingers.
In a big frying pan, heat the oil and brown the meat on all sides, over medium-high heat. Transfer the pork loin to a baking dish.
In the same frying pan, sauté the onions and the garlic, adding a little more oil if needed. Add the vermouth to deglaze the pan. Pour the pan juices over the meat. Cover the baking dish and roast at 350°F for 3 hours. Half way through the roasting time, turn the meat around, covering it again and put it back in the oven.
When the roast is ready, place it on a cutting board and, after removing the butcher’s twine, slice it.
Sorry that we put this recipe in so late. Mario is been very busy! I do the cooking and the writing; he does the rest...

Strain the sauce over the roast, serving it with rice or mashed potatoes and the vegetable that you prefer. *Serves 4-6 people* - I hope everyone had pleasant holidays!


(4 January 2011) - Nothing says holidays like the aroma of a roast in the oven, braising very slowly in its own juices (especially when it’s very cold outside).
We had a white Christmas this year. It started snowing on Christmas Day and continued until we had 6 inches of the white stuff. As beautiful as a Christmas card. For many people the magic is gone after the first day of being stack in the house (I am one of them).
For Christmas Eve I was thinking roast lamb, but Sara said that she prefers stuffed meat, and so does Paul (in fact he brags about this dish at work). So that’s what I did.
I bought two pieces of pork loin (of those sold in sealed plastic bags). I used the biggest one for the 24th (by the way: that is the most important holiday of the season for any Spaniard - After all it’s the Savior’s birthday). I used the other pork loin piece for New Year’s Eve.


• 2½ to 3½ Pounds of pork loin roast
• 1 Medium onion (peeled and sliced)
• 5 Garlic cloves (peeled and chopped)
• ¼ Cup of olive oil
• ½ Cup of white vermouth
• The juice of 2 oranges
• 2 Sprigs of fresh thyme
• Salt and pepper to taste

Wash and pat dry the pork loin. Remove as much fat as possible (you can have the butcher do it for you) and season with salt and pepper.
In a big frying pan, heat the oil and brown the meat on all sides, over medium high heat. Transfer the pork loin to a baking dish.
In the same frying pan sauté the onions and the garlic adding a little more oil if is needed. Add the vermouth and orange juice to deglaze the pan. Pour the pan juices over the meat with the thyme. Cover the baking dish with heavy-duty aluminum foil and roast at 350°F for 3 hours. Half way through the roasting time, turn the meat around, cover again and put it back in the oven.
When the roast is ready, place it on a cutting board and slice it (an electric knife works wonderfully for this).

Strain the sauce over the roast, serving it with rice or mashed potatoes and the vegetable of your choice. *Serves 4-6 people* - Festive rich!

»»» A little late, but… HAPPY NEW YEAR! «««


(30 August 2010) - I have been wishing to make a roast for some time now. There is something comforting and homey about it. Maybe it reminds me of the beef stew that my mother used to make when I was growing up. The family would eat together at the small family room table… before I was married… when my brothers were just kids… and life was uncomplicated.
Maria made this roast for dinner some time ago, before they have their baby. By the way, the baby is 2 months old and very cute. Time flies when you are having fun.


• 1 Big onion (peeled and sliced)
• 1 Beef chuck roast (2-pound)
• 4 Tbs of olive oil
• 4 Bay leaves
• 1 Bottle of beer (12 ounces - you can use nonalcoholic)
• Salt and pepper to taste

Pat the meat dry and season with salt and pepper.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, and brown the beef on all sides over medium-high heat. Transfer the meat to a baking dish.
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cook the onion in the same pan where the meat was browned, add more oil if needed. Stir occasionally until the onion gets brown (about 15 minutes).
Add the beer, bay leaves and ½ tsp of salt and bring to a boil, scraping the brown bits from the bottom. Pour this mixture over the meat and cover it with a lid or aluminum foil. Braise in the oven for 3 to 3-1/2 hours or until fork tender. Halfway through the cooking time, turn the meat over for even browning. Transfer the beef to a cutting board and slice it.

Serve with mashed potatoes. *Serves 2-3 people* - Double Delicious!


(28 June 2010) - Before we moved to North Carolina, we lived in Miami (FL). There are great Cuban bakeries there and they make these meat pies that we love so much. Once we moved to Raleigh, I decided to give them a try. I thought of the ingredients that should be in this recipe. Someone told me later that mine were better. This is my take on the famous Cuban delight.


• 2 Packages of frozen ‘Pepperidge Farm’ puff pastry
• 4 Tbs of olive oil
• 1 Pound of ground beef (lean)
• ½ Cup onion (chopped)
• 6 Garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
• 1 Can diced tomatoes (14 oz)
• 2 Jalapeno peppers (de-veined deseeded and minced)
• ¼ Tsp cumin powder
• 1 Egg
• Salt to taste

Defrost puff pastry at room temperature for 1 hour, or leave it in the refrigerator over night. Sauté the onion, garlic, and peppers in a large pan. Add the ground beef, tomatoes, and season with cumin and salt. Let it simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Cook for 20 minutes. The beef mixture should be dry. Let it cool completely.
Unfold the puff pastry and cut along creases, so you have 3 strips. Cut each strip into two pieces. You will then have 6 rectangles of pastry.
Apply a little bit of water with your finger on the edge of half of the dough rectangle. Fold rectangle in half and with a fork press tines on two sides to make a little packet. Fill packet with 1 tbs of the meat filling, pressing down with the finger to fit if needed. Then close shut and use the fork again to press down the open side with the tines. Fill packets as described placing them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Don't overcrowd them so they can cook evenly. Refrigerate the packets for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 375 ºF. Take out the packets and brush each with an egg wash. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the meat pies from baking sheet and cool over paper towels.

This is an amazing main course. *Makes 24 meat pies* - Succulent!


(29 May 2010) - I like all vegetables (some more that others) and I’m always looking for new ways to cook them. That’s why I take a recipe, make some changes, and… voila: there is something new!


• 1 Big eggplant
• ½ Pound of lean ground beef
• ½ Cup of chopped onion
• 2 Big garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
• 3 Tbs of olive oil
• ½ Tsp of thyme
• Breadcrumbs
• Grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
• 2 Tbs of unsalted butter
• Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the eggplant in half, lengthwise. With a spoon empty the inside of each of the eggplant halves, salt them and place them inside down. Salt the pieces of the vegetable that were spooned out and let them ‘sweat’ for 10 minutes. Sauté the onion, garlic and ground beef for about 5 minutes. Now, rinse the eggplant salted pieces and add to the meat, salt and spices, cooking all for another 5 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400º F. Meanwhile, wash the inside of the two eggplant halves, brush them with oil, and put them inside up on a baking dish in the oven for 20 minutes. When they are done, take them out of the oven and fill the cavity with the meat mixture. Put them back in the oven. I use two spoons on the bottom of the baking dish to keep them straight. Bake for 15 minutes. Take them out and sprinkle them with breadcrumbs, grated cheese and a little butter. Put them back in the oven (turn on the grill) for 2 more minutes.

Serve with rice. *Serves 2 people* - Amazing


(4 May 2010) - The other night my kids came over for dinner. Lately, every time I make a new dish, I invite some in the family to try the fruit of my labor. Not that they complain… of course!
It is not the same old same old in this kitchen any more. All right!
This is an easy dish that I made with things that I have in the refrigerator. Especially good for meat lovers.


• 8 Steaks (very thin cut like for “Milanesa”)
• 8 Prosciutto (thin slices of cured ham)
• Sage (or basil)
• ½ Cup wine
• ½ Cup water
• ½ Tsp butter (softened)
• 1 Tsp flour
• 3 Garlic cloves (chopped)
• 3 Tbs olive oil

Spread the meat, place the ham on top and put two sage leaves over the ham. It doesn’t need salt!
Roll the meat up with the stuffing inside. You don’t need toothpicks, don’t worry it would hold together.
Let the oil heat in a big frying pan and fry the meat with the garlic turning frequently so he doesn’t burn. Add wine and water; let it cook at medium heat. In a little bowl mix the butter with the flour and add it to the pan, mixing until is fully integrated and the sauce thickens a little.

Serve with white rice, a salad, and good bread for dipping. *Makes 4 servings* - Bon apetit!


(18 April 2010) - It is beautiful here in North Carolina! But for people who suffer from sinuses, it is a nightmare this year. It has to do with spring coming all of the sudden, and all the flowers and trees are spreading their pollen all over the place. Al least that is what the weatherman says, anyway.
I keep the humidifier running all day in the house, and pray for some rain, so the air will be nice and clean at least for a few days.
I made stuffed peppers for diner today. I like them with brown rice, but Mario prefers them with white.


• ½ Pound ground beef
• 1 Red bell pepper (I have used orange or yellow sometimes)
• ½ Cup onion (chopped)
• 3 Garlic cloves (minced)
• 3 Tbs olive oil (for brushing the edges of the peppers, later)
• 1 Tsp dried thyme
• ½ Tsp cumin powder
• Salt to taste

Preheat the oven at 400º F. Cut the pepper in half, core it and clean it. Dry it if is wet and salt its inside. Place the two halves in an oven proof dish, inside facing up.
In a frying pan, sauté the onion first, and then add the garlic. When the onion gets golden brown, mix in the ground beef, the spices, and the salt. Sauté until the meat is done (about ten minutes).
Get the dish from the oven (don’t forget to use oven mitts!) The peppers will have some liquid in the bottom (which is normal). Spoon the meat into the peppers, pressing down carefully. If all the meat doesn’t fit in the peppers keep it aside (some peepers are bigger than others).
Brush the edges of the peppers with additional oil. Put a lid on the oven dish or cover loosely with aluminum foil. Bake for about 45 minutes, checking frequently so they don’t get too toasty (they may be done sooner as actual temperature varies from oven to oven).
If you have leftover meat in the pan, reheat it and put it over the peppers once they are done.

Phenomenal year-round dish. *Makes 2 servings* - Double Delicious!


(07 April 2010) - Back when I was a teenager, my mother worked as a cook for a Christian school. One of her coworkers was a Cuban lady and they used to prepare this dish for the students, on a regular basis. So, she started to make it at home, and we all love it.
When we were living in Miami we made a lot of friends, and we had this dish at different people’s homes. Some people use raisins, some people don’t; most make it with wine. For some reason I like my mother’s version better and so do my kids.


• 1 Pound of 'very lean' ground beef
• 3 Tbs olive oil
• ½ Cup onion, chopped
• 1 Cup diced organic tomatoes. (I like Muir Glen brand)
• 4 Garlic cloves (minced)
• ½ Cup ‘Manzanilla’ olives (rinsed and cut in half - I like the are Spanish brand: MARIO)
• 2 Bay leafs
• ½ Tsp cumin powder
• ½ Tsp dried oregano
• Salt to taste

Sauté the tomato, onion, and garlic at medium heat for about five minutes, or until the onion get translucent. Add the ground beef and mix it in, stir in the olives, bay leafs, spices and salt. Simmer for about 20 minutes.

Serve with white rice (separated or mixed). *Makes 4 servings* - So good!


(27 March 2010) - My mother was a very good cook, although she didn’t like cooking, or so she said. Some of her dishes linger in my memory with nostalgia; I can still taste them and my mouth waters thinking about them. Many of those dishes I haven’t prepared in years. Many I never tried. Maybe now I should and share them with you.
Spanish cuisine is rich in flavor and recipes. Good olive oil, lots of garlic, Spanish paprika, onions, bay leafs, saffron… Those are basic staples in every Spanish kitchen, and so in mine.
This is a dish that I prepare frequently in the winter –so I can remember who I am.


• 1 Pound extra lean grown beef
• 1 Egg
• 2 Sprigs of parsley (minced)
• 3 Garlic cloves (separated)
• 3 Rounded tbs plain breadcrumbs
• 3 Russet potatoes cut in big chunks
• 2 Bay leafs
• ¼ Tsp cumin powder
• 1 Medium tomato (chopped)
• ½ Cup onion (chopped)
• 1/8 Of a bell green pepper (I cut it in pieces and freeze what I don’t use)
• 3 Cups of water
• Salt and pepper to taste

Mix the ground beef, egg, parsley, 1 minced garlic clove and the breadcrumbs. With this mixture, make meatballs (approximately 1½ inches in diameter) and roll them in flour, fried them at medium heat in ¼ cup of oil. Turn them frequently to fry all sides and reserve. Discard most of the oil, leaving just about 3 tablespoons.
Sauté the onion, tomato and garlic for about 5 minutes (‘sofrito’ in Spanish).
In a pot, put the meatballs, ‘sofrito’, potatoes, bay leaf, and cumin powder. Add water jut enough to barely cover everything. Add salt and let it simmer for about 40 minutes or until tender.

Serve with garlic toasts on the side. *Makes 2 big portions* - Dig in!


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