Toni's Kitchen Chicken

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(16 February 2011) - I have a ‘Cookbook for Christmas’ that I really like. Sara and I browse through it and decided to do this recipe. Actually she prepared it one day for dinner, but made same changes from the book’s original recipe and this is the result: different and really good.


• 1 Lb skinless, boneless chicken (thighs or breast)
• 5 Oz chorizo (I use the brand Palacios)
• 2 Tsp of extra virgin olive oil
• 3 Garlic cloves (peeled and chopped)
• 1 Onion pealed and slices
• 1 Red bell pepper
• 2 Tsp sweet smoke paprika
• 1 Tsp of dried thyme
• ¼ Cup of white wine
• 1 Can of chopped tomatoes (14 oz)
• 1 Cup of chicken broth
• 1 Handful of fresh parsley
• Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the chicken in small pieces and the chorizo into thin slices. Place a large heavy frying pan over medium-high heat, add the oil and fry the chorizo, stirring it occasionally until the chorizo starts to become crisp. Transfer the chorizo to a plate and set aside. Add the chicken to the pan, season with salt and pepper. Fry it for 5 minutes, stirring often until golden.
While the chicken cooks, prepare the vegetables. Thinly slice the onion and garlic, then seed the pepper and cut it into strips, adding them to the chicken. Reduce the heat, add the chorizo and cook all gently for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the paprika and thyme and fry for 1 minute. Reduce the heat to medium and pour the wine. Add the tomatoes and the broth. Stir, then simmer uncovered for 15 minutes. Roughly chop the parsley and add it to the pan.

Accompany this dish with rice and crusty bread. *Serves 8 people* - A succulent dish!


(11 November 2010) - We always try to cook a chicken in some new way and often we forget the very basic: roasted!
My parents used to go to some little unknown fishing town on the coast of Valencia for a summer vacation. They rented a house by the beach and enjoyed the Mediterranean at a very affordable price… not the cosmopolitan and very expensive places like Benidorm or Marbella, where the northern Europeans go to get a tan and show some skin.
There was a local bakery in El Perelló, were anyone could take almost anything and they would bake it for a fee. My mother would put a chicken and some other ingredients in a roasting pan, and on our way to the beach we would take it to the bakery. We would pick it up in our way back home and lunch was ready and so… the inspiration for this recipe was born!


• 1 Chicken (medium size)
• 1 Onion (medium size, peeled and sliced)
• 1 Head of garlic (separate the cloves, but don’t peel them)
• Olive oil
• 1 Sprig of fresh thyme
• 4 to 6 Medium white potatoes
• ¼ Cup of white wine or white vermouth
• Salt to taste

Preheat the oven to375 °F. Wash and pat dry the chicken. Rub it with oil. Salt it well inside and out. Grease the bottom of a 9x13” (or 8x11”) roasting pan with oil. Place the onions in the bottom of the pan with the chicken on top. Add the garlic cloves and thyme all around the bird and put it in the oven.
Meanwhile peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into chunks. Add 2 tbs of oil and salt to taste to them, and mix to coat evenly. Place them around the chicken and pour the wine or vermouth on top of the bird.
Stir the potatoes a couple of times for an even roasting, and baste the chicken with the pan juices.
Roast for 2 hours approximately (or until golden-brown).

Add a salad and maybe a vegetable. *Serves 4-6 people* - Superb!


(27 May 2010) - Last week Maria’s parents came for dinner and I made this dish. A long time ago we were living in Mexico City, and one night that we had company for dinner I made something similar to this dish.
I loved that city. It was like Madrid, with people walking on the streets… and Mexicans are really friendly. They have the best fruit that I have ever had and great bakeries. So that is why I named this dish 'Mexican Chicken'.


• 1 Chicken (cut in pieces)
• ½ Cup of olive oil
• 1 Cup of onion (chopped)
• ½ Red pepper
• 1 Medium tomato (chopped)
• 4 Garlic cloves (peeled and minced)
• 2 Bay leafs
• 1 Tsp of oregano
• 1 Tsp of thyme
• ½ Tsp of cumin powder
• 1 Cup of wine
• Salt to taste

Fry the chicken pieces in a big frying pan with oil, turning them for even cooking. When they are done, put them on a plate and reserve the oil. Sauté the vegetables in the oil for 5 minutes. Add spices, chicken pieces and wine. Let it cook covered on medium heat for about 45 minutes.

Serve with rice or mashed potatoes. *Serves 4 people* - Double Yummy!


(2 May 2010) - When we were still living in Madrid, we used to go some weekends to certain restaurant. There they served rabbit cooked in this way and we all enjoy it a lot. This place had tables and chairs outside (like a terrace) and lots of people enjoy their food.
A few nights ago Ruben and Maria came for dinner. I made this dish because I know Maria loves garlic and dip bread in the sauce (and so do I). We eat with mash potatoes and salad. Nobody eat the vegetables. I guess we where saving room for dessert: Flan. We eat too much… but we enjoy each other’s company. Life is good!
This one is for you, Maria!


• 1 Chicken (cut up in pieces)
• 1 Whole head of garlic (separated and peeled)
• ½ Cup of olive oil
• 1 Cup of vermouth (or white wine)
• Salt to taste

Preheat a big frying pan or a pot and add the garlic cloves. Cook at medium heat until golden. Take them out of the pan and reserve for latter use. Salt the chicken pieces and fried them in the same oil, turn them once and cook it until they are done. Get the chicken out of the frying pan. Take out most of the oil living only a couple of tablespoons in the pan. Return the poultry to the pan, the reserved garlic cloves and the vermouth or wine (many of my recipes require wine – Don’t worry about the alcohol as it would evaporate during the process, but if you prefer, you can substitute it with chicken broth). It will be done when the sauce is golden and has thickened a little.

Serve with mash potatoes, a salad and plenty of crusty bread for dipping. *Makes 4 servings* - Real delicious!


(12 April 2010) - If there is a humble food that we all love to eat, it is chicken. It is versatile, economical, and delicious no matter how we cook it. We can turn it into a simple dish, or a very complicated one. One way or the other seems like we are all making the same recipes over and over again.
Well, here is a tasty way to prepare it, good enough for company and easy to make. It would have your guest asking for seconds, and you’ll feel very proud of yourself.


• 4 Chicken breasts, pounded flat (easy to do between two pieces of parchment paper)
• 4 Slices of boiled ham (the square package)
• 8 Regular bacon strips
• 3 Tbs olive oil
• 1 Small onion (chopped)
• Flour (for dusting)
• Butcher’s twine
• ½ Cup of white vermouth (or chicken broth)
• Water (as needed)
• Salt to taste and plenty of pepper

Slice in half (like a book) the chicken breast pieces if they are too thick. Sautee the bacon over low heat until it’s barely done. Save the bacon fat. Place a slice of ham and two strips of bacon on top of each chicken breast. Roll them up and tie them with the butcher’s twine. Salt them lightly and dust them with flour. Sautee the prepared chicken rolls in the bacon fat until brown on all sides. Set aside.

Discard the remaining fat and add olive oil to the pan. Sauté the onions until they turn translucent and golden brown, over medium heat. Add the vermouth (or chicken broth), then the chicken rolls. Cook with the lid on, over medium low heat for about 15 minutes. Turn them around because they tend to burn. Add ½ a cup of water (more if it’s needed), and lots of pepper. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Cut off the strings and discard them before serving. Strain the sauce and pour over the top (or serve on the side).

I like to serve it with mashed potatoes and a side salad. *Makes 4 servings* - Yuuummy!


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